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Frequently Asked Questions


Question Answer
Are there any requirements to becoming a member? You must have an email address, be at least 18 years old, have a tennis racquet/gear and know the rules of tennis.
What does the membership fee go towards? Your membership fee goes towards our website, insurance, administrative and miscellaneous expenses. Tennis can be an expensive sport. We do our best to keep the costs down.
How long is my membership for? Your membership will expire exactly 1 year from the date you registered. A few weeks before your membership expires, you'll get an email reminding you to renew.
I registered and paid, but I was too busy to play, do I get my membership refunded? No, we do not give refunds, except in extreme dire situations at the discretion of the TLGTA Board of Directors.
Do you have events for non-members? We have many social events and some of them are open to non-members.  In the past we have done karaoke, bowling, indoor beach volleyball, table tennis, sushi dinners, picnics on the Toronto Island, pizza nights at a pub and watch live tennis at the Canadian Open (formerly Rogers Cup, currently National Bank Open). The fastest and easiest way to find out about our social events is to join.
Do you have to be part of the LGBT community to join? We welcome all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or identity. We don't discriminate. It does help to be LGBT friendly.
I am not a very good tennis player, can I still join? We accept players of all skill levels. As long as you know the rules and can keep the ball in the court, you're more than welcome.
Do you provide tennis lessons? No, we do not provide lessons. We did a few group lessons in the past and they weren't well attended. The North York Winter Tennis Club has very good rates for private and group lessons from April to October.  For more information you can go to their Contacts page. You can also check out the Fuzzy Yellow Balls website for videos and some excellent tennis tips!  YouTube is also a great resource.
I'm really, really good. Do you have events and teams for me? We have several members who play at an advanced level, with 4.5+ rankings. Many of our tournaments have A, B & C draws.  The Canadian Gay Open (CGO) has an Open Draw.  We love it when the "big kids" come out to play!
What happens when I join? Once your account is setup, you'll instantly have access to our website. From there you can register for events. You'll start getting emails about upcoming events right away.
How do I change my email address or phone number? You can do it all online. Just log in, in the top right corner click on View Profile and go to your profile settings. You an also do it on our app.
You have an app??? Yes, we fancy. Our app is called Wild Apricot for Members. You can find it on the Google Play Store or iOS App Store. After you download the app, enter your TLGTA email address and password. Your account must be in good standing in order to use it. You can register for events, see your past events and edit your profile. If you like to register for TLGTA events on an Android or iOS device, this app is for you. It's much faster than using a browser, about 3 taps and you're good to go.
How do I pay for events? All events must be paid online at the time of registration with a credit card. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. Prepaid cards and Debit cards co-branded with a major credit card company (i.e., Visa Debit, Mastercard Debit) are also accepted.
What are the different playing levels? There are two primary rating systems. The GLTA uses letters and the USTA uses the NTRP Number System. For more information, click here
I'd like to volunteer. How can I do that? Great! This whole club is run by volunteers. If everyone gives a little, we all see the results. Contact our Membership Coordinator to learn more.
I'd like to donate to your club, how can I do that? We are a non-profit organization. We welcome monetary donations, as well as materials such as player giveaways, raffle items, and equipment. We also welcome sponsorships. Please contact our President.
How do I know if I've registered properly for an event? Check the following steps, and if none of these steps happened, that means you made a mistake:
  • Payment receipt email: If you registered for an event successfully, you will get a payment receipt e-mail right away. Sometimes the server can be slow and the e-mail may take a bit longer.
  • Reminder email: On the day before an event, we set up the the website to send reminder e-mails to those who registered.
  • Log Into website: In the top right corner click on View Profile > My Event Registrations > Filter By and select Upcoming. You will see your upcoming events.
  • Check the app: Open the Wild Apricot for Members app and look under Events and see if the ticket icon is beside the event or look under Tickets.
When I enter my credit card info correctly, why do I still get an error message? It is most likely a browser auto-fill issue. Turn off auto-fill and manually enter your details. Make sure to enter your postal code without any spaces (for example M1M1M1).  You’ll only have to do it once and then you can save your info. If that doesn't work, please contact us.
How do I cancel my registration for an event? Members must e-mail the coordinator of the event to cancel their registration. Members will not be able to do it themselves.
May I get a refund for an event I'm no longer able to attend? Below is our refund policy for events.
  • If you cancel your registration for an event before midnight of the day you paid, we can void your registration and you will get the full amount back.
  • If your registration is cancelled after midnight and before the withdrawal date deadline, you have a choice of getting:
    • a credit for the full amount (preferred)
    • a refund of most of your money back, minus 2.9% and another 60 cents for Wild Apricot’s online processing fees
    • If you cancel your registration after the withdrawal deadline and we cannot find a replacement, we keep the full amount, because we are still obligated to pay the court fees.
How do I apply my credit for an event? Register for an event on our website, as per usual. You can't apply a credit using the app.
  1. Click Pay Online and follow the instructions as you normally would to make a payment.
  2. On the payment portal page, where it asks you which credit card you want to use, click Cancel.
  3. Scroll up to the top right corner and click View Profile.
  4. Click the Invoices and Payment tab and you can apply the credit (using the Settle button in the yellow bar).
  5. If your credit was enough to pay the entire balance due, you are done; otherwise click Pay Online to pay the rest of the balance.
I was manually added to an event, how do I pay for it?
  1. Log into the website, in the top right corner, click on View Profile.
  2. Click on Invoices and Payments.
  3. Select the event you owe money for and follow the instructions.
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